
seré arquitecta

Entro el 26 de febrero:
en la ead

con todo mi corazón
que no me reviente el colon.

1 comentario:

robertogreco dijo...

Fue mi intención comentar el otro día el placer que fue encontrarte en Tumblr através de tu reblog. Ahora que mencionas el espacio público, me acuerdo de hacerlo y se me ocurre compartir estas lineas de Ed Folsom acerca de Walt Whitman:

"Whitman feels the power of the city of strangers. He’s looking at a city of strangers and how something we might now call urban affection begins to develop. How do you come to care for people that you have never seen before and that you may never see again?

"Every day we encounter people, eyes make contact, we brush by people, physically come into contact with them, and may never see them again."

"But Whitman’s notebooks at this time are filled with images, just jottings, of these people, what they’re doing, what they look like, what their names are. ‘What is this person doing? What’s the activity that defines this person? “If I were doing that activity that person would be me.

"If I were wandering the other way, rather than this way, that person could be me. That could be me. That could be me. What is it that separates any of us?’"

Lindo, ¿no?

Saludos desde San Diego, California. :)